Monday, November 28, 2011

Madam's Monday- Ysmanine St lot

 "Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Ysmanine St lot and I have 26 years. I have 2 brothers and 5 sisters. We all lived with my Momma and Poppa. When I was ten years old, I went to live with my aunt. I wanted to live with her because I love her. She did not want me to go to church because she is not a Christian, so we did not go to church. My aunt paid for me to go to school for one year. She did not want to pay for my school another year, so I went back to live with my Momma and Poppa. I was happy to be back with them. I went to school and so did all of my brothers and sisters. I did not finish
because my family did not have enough money. I did not go to school or work for three years. Instead I went to a school and learned to crochet and make clothing. My momma paid for me to do that and I graduated from that. After that, I needed a job. My friend asked Madam Judith if I could come work at OLTCH. I came and talked with Momma Greg and she gave me the job here. I have been here for 9 months. I love working here because I love everyone. I like to work with the girls. Thank you! Goodbye!"

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